We give thanks to God for making last week’s youth camp a success.
God provided the wonderful weather during the hiking, just before start was heavy rain, then started with Sunshine and just after the hiking heavy rain again! Youths experienced the protection of our Lord.
We worship, pray and listen to the words of God during the camp, learning why we need to be an influencer of Truth in the world. Thanks for the good foods cook and serve by our youths, they work together and make things happen
Thanks to all who have supported the camp financially and to our volunteer drivers who gave their time to drive campers to and from Manning Park Resort. The youth camp was a first step to gather the youth of the parish together. There will be follow-up gatherings every other Saturday at 2 pm starting this month led by Evangelist Anson Tang. Please pray for our youth ministry and for the young people of the SMSL.
