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We have moved!

Slideshow update of our move (From Dec 13, 2020)

KCLC ANnex.jpg

Annex Building at Killarney Community Lutheran Church

It is with profound joy and gratitude that we can announce our new place of worship. Commencing October 16, 2020, we will be leasing an annex building on the campus of Killarney Community Lutheran Church (KCLC) (3076 East 49th Avenue and Kerr) as our church building. BLC will also be attending Service at KCLC starting September 27. We thank BLC for connecting us with KCLC and we thank the leaders of KCLC for leasing the annex building to us. Some minor work will be needed at the premises and we will start packing up in September for the move. Please join us to give thanks
to God for His provision.

新崇拜地點 我們以極大的喜樂和感恩宣佈我們的新崇拜地點。由2020年10月16日開始,我們將租用路德會和平之君堂 Killarney Community Lutheran Church (KCLC) 範圍內的一幢附屬建築作為我們的教堂(地址:3076 東 49 街夾 Kerr 街)。BLC 亦於 九月廿七日開始參加 KCLC 的崇拜。我們感激 BLC 助我們與 KCLC 建立聯繫,並感謝 KCLC 的領袖租出附屬建築給我們。該處將需要少許裝修工程, 我們亦將於九月開始收拾物件準備搬遷。請與我們一起感謝上帝的供應。

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